He’s a bestselling author, having recently co-written “No BS Guide to Powerful Presentations” with Dan Kennedy and codified the highly regarded “Irresistible Offer Architecture”, Dustin Mathews is the presentation king!
The Founder and CEO of “Speaking Empire”, Dustin Matthews is an in-demand training guru who has studied with Frank Kern and Dan Kennedy. He is a serial entrepreneur and regular columnist with Entrepreneur Magazine and has assisted with multi-product launches worth tens of millions of dollars.
In this episode, Nick & Dustin speak about what Speaking Empire is all about and reveal key lessons that Dustin has learned over his career in sales and marketing.
- How presentations can change your life
- Getting people to take action is essential
- The problems with thinking short term
- Business needs to stay in touch with valued clients
- The power in your partnerships
- Learn from people around you, it’s essential
3:27 Presentations can change your life…. Doesn’t always have to be up on stage.
4:07 Dustin’s background… how to avoid public speaking and copping out
6:20 Getting excited about getting a crowd excited.
7:20 From leaving with nothing to school to #35 on Inc Magazine’s winners list.
7:39 Big key – get people to take action.. Step 1. Get people in front of you.
8:50 Big message – you have to understand marketing. Have a presentation that is ready to go…
10:25 The power of OFFLINE mail…
11:58 Big mistake with direct mail? Don’t do it cold! Get known first
13:50 Dustin’s failures…. Being a baby face – will people take me seriously. Beating yourself up… I’m no worthy!
14:40 The problem with thinking short term.
15:13 Failures are learning lessons – you learn a lot more when it’s your money
15:50 Joe Polish quote – how long is a buying cycle
18:23 Dustin’s superpower? X-Ray vision times two?
20:41 What should a business focus on for growth? … find the business within the business (new revenue stream).
21:25 Business need to stay in touch with their valued clients. Treat the base that’s all ready there
22:00 There’s power in partnerships – Joint Ventures. Trade customers
23:43 What is Dustin’s business “Speaking Empire” all about?
25:23 We bought a church – a business investment made in heaven.
28:00 We’re in the job of getting people to take action
BOOKS: 28:55 – Dan Kennedy (Co-authored).
Think and grow rich – Napolean Hill
How to win friends and influence people – Dale Carnegie
29:40 Learn from people around you. Customers, team members, yourself. Loved ones.
Dustin’s book with Dan Kennedy:
30:41 Dan is a marketing guy – direct response marketing guru.
Powerful book about presentations. One presentation can make you rich!
No BS guide to Powerful Presentations: (This LINK – https://www.amazon.com/No-B-S-Guide-Powerful-Presentations/dp/1599186071 )
It’s about the structure of a persuasive presentation. Five core elements of a powerful presentation. What do we do before the presention. What’s the follow up like? Retargeting… using technology.
32:52 Finding your purpose? What helps?