A bit about Jeff: Dr Jeff Spencer has had a full life. At the age of 11, he made a commitment to join the 1972 Olympics Team as a cyclist. Against all odds, that dream became a reality. Later, after earning a master’s degree in sports science, Dr Spencer became a chiropractor. At the age of 43 after discovering that his genius father, who was last seen 30 years earlier, died homeless on the streets of NYC, Jeff resolved to spend the rest of his life showing others where they were on their path, what was coming next and the smoothest path forward to reach their bigger future & best legacy.
Today Dr Jeff Spencer is a Champion Maker with clients from Tiger Woods to U2, Bulletproof to Nike.
He teaches clients his road map experience – how to achieve your goals.
- Dr Jeff Spencer talks about his childhood – the Olympics, becoming a glass blower and world renowned chiropractor until today, where he is a ‘champion maker’ with high powered clients, helping them achieve their goals and stay on track.
- He talks about having a genius father who died homeless because he didn’t have a person to show him how to get to his goals.
- Jeff discusses the benefits of having a “Cornerman” in your life – the person who has a rounded view of life, experiences and ambition.
- Jeff opens up about the life-changing experience of raising his adopted daughter from Columbia.
How everything you say matters to children.
- Just positive thinking isn’t enough without the skill set to get you to where you want to be.
- Champions Blueprint – the path and steps that need to be taken to achieve your goal in life.
01:40 Nick welcomes Jeff to the show.
02:10 Nick asks Jeff about his background – growing up in Southern California.
Becoming an Olympian, learning art of glassblowing to achieving a chiropractic degree
and becoming international sports chiropractor.
He is motivated by asking himself “How far can I go in this area”.
06:24 Nick asks Jeff “what do you today” – what is it that he is known for.
07:28 Dr Jeff Spencer discusses a typical day in an athletes life – mentally as well as physically.
12:08 Nick asks why high performers and over achievers like Tiger Woods get off track and what
they need to do to get back on the right path.
13:44 People don’t change as much physically as they do mentally and emotionally.
14:45 Dr Spencer talks about his father dying on the streets – lack of road map, path in life.
People don’t know how to get to where they want to go.
16:05 How do we achieve our goals consistently, repeatedly and achievably?
16:25 What is a “Cornerman”? Three types of advisers – coach, mentor and Cornerman
And how a cornerman is a more rounded person in life
20:14 Nick asks Jeff about the experience of raising his adopted daughter from Columbia.
You have to make your life worth something.
26:22 Jeff discusses when you’re called up for something – you need to show up.
26:50 Nick and Jeff discuss why positive thinking alone doesn’t help you succeed.
You can’t think yourself to a place where you don’t have the skills to do it.
27:50 When your confidence increases your anxiety drops.
28:15 Life can only be as good as the skills you have.
29:45 The reason Jeff’s father died homeless – he was missing two things:
- Cornerman define where he was and the challenges
- Road Map that showed him how to take his ambition to achievement.
Goal setting is not achievement.
31:15 Nick asks Jeff about his ‘champions blueprint’. Most people follow the ‘gap model’.
But the gap is really a system – preparation then performance.
35:30 Nick’s rapid fire questions.
- Top two or three books influenced your life?
- What would it say on your tombstone?
- Achievement that haven’t done yet?
- Which animal would you be and why?
Never Split the Difference – Chris Voss
The Rise of Superman – Steven Cotler
Website: drjeffspencer.com
Email: jeff@drjeffspencer.com
39:30Nick thanks Dr Jeff for being a part of the Podcast.