A bit about Chris:
Chris Ducker is a best-selling author, keynote speaker, entrepreneur, business owner and founder of Youpreneur – a new business model that builds a business based on your own personal brand.
Chris is regularly featured in Entrepreneur, Forbes, Success, The Huffington Post, and Business Insider and has recently released his new book “Rise of the Youpreneur”.
Chris’ previous book “Virtual Freedom” – a guide to running and growing your own business with the help of virtual staff, became a 4 time Number 1 Best Seller, selling over 30,000 copies on amazon.com.
- Chris talks about growing up in England – loving books but not liking school and the education system.
- He dropped out of University after six months and went in sales.
- After having a breakdown in 2009, Chris came up with the “Virtual CEO” concept and from that he discovered the Youpreneur.
- A Youpreneur is the process of building a business around your own personal brand utilising your expertise and personality - it’s a sustainable business model based on you.
- Through podcasts, keynote speaking and books – Chris teaches people how to monetise the business of ‘you’.
- Chris talks about focusing on the right aspects of your business and spending 80% of your time on the right parts of your business.
01:55 Nick welcomes Chris Ducker to the podcast.
02:58 Nick asks Chris about his background growing up in England.
He talks about his love of reading.
05:30 Chris talks about the business card his father posted on his bedroom door
when he was a teen that had a huge impact on his life.
07:30 Chris discusses dropping out of University 6 months after starting.
09:00 Nick asks Chris about the relevance of today’s education system and university.
12:15 Tips on how to get children involved in business.
14:11 Chris talks about the definition of a Youpreneur and how it’s different to a business owner.
18:12 Nick asks Chris to explain how people do business with you before your brand.
19:50 Chris talks about his podcast show “Virtual Business Lifestyle” and how he was building a personal business brand without knowing it.
22:10 The business audit that changed Chris Ducker’s life.
23:50 Nick asks Chris about transitioning your current business to a Youpreneur type model.
28:20 Chris talks about his own business and what aspects work best for him and what he concentrates on – the 80/20 principle.
30:25 Nick asks Chris about his books – and how to ‘future proof your business’.
31:00 When you build a business based around you and what you stand for – it cannot be copied.
32:15 When you become somebody’s favourite – they will follow you and will support you whatever you do.
34:00 Chris talks about how he promotes Youpreneur through Social Media. He uses different platforms to direct them through to the website – it’s important not to build a business solely on Social Media.
36:00 The numbers never lie – always look at the numbers and spread your message accordingly.
38:05 Chris discusses the “Three list of Freedoms”.
40:10 What would people walk away from after reading “The Rise of the Youprener”.
41:10 What is life like today as an Youpreneur.
43:00 Living life on your own terms.
43:15 What does success mean to Chris Ducker?
43:50 How to connect with Chris Ducker.
Rise of the Youpreneur – www.riseoftheyoupreneur.com
Virtual Freedom – www.amazon.com