A bit about Glen:
Glen Ledwell is an Australian entrepreneur with a diverse background. Glen started his first business at the age of 17 and throughout his early career he owned and operated a nightclub, property development company, an event company and started Australia’s first ever in-bathroom advertising company.
In 2007, Glen co-founded the Mind Movies – a personal development ‘vision board’ movement inspired by the best-selling book “The Secret” that led him to move to San Diego. Today Mind Movies has reached over 4.2 million viewers.
Glen also formed Flight Club Mastermind – an exclusive, high-end online marketing mastermind for top internet marketing entrepreneurs.
- Glen talks about growing up Sydney and his early passion for being an entrepreneur.
- Glen chats about how the best-selling book “The Secret” was the inspiration to start his business “Mind Movies”.
- He chats to Nick about moving to San Diego in the early days and the challenges of building his business.
- Nick and Glen discuss visualisation and the importance of connecting emotion to your goals.
- Glen talks about being an Australian in the United States – the advantages and disadvantages.
- How “The Flight Club” started and it’s aims and goals.
- About life as an entrepreneur – to stop procrastinating and just ‘do’.
00:55 Nick introduces Glen Ledwell.
03:30 Glen talks about his background – growing up in Sydney. Starting his first business at 15.
06:00 Nick asks Glen where his passion for entrepreneurism came from?
09:20 What does Glen Ledwell do today? Glen talks about being the CEO of Mind Movies and Flight Club. Glen discusses what he loves doing.
11:32 Nick asks Glen more about “Mind Movies” – Glen talks about the back story and the challenges he had building his business.
14:00 Glen discusses how the book “The Secret” inspired him to change his thinking and how they started the company with $2,300.
17:00 Glen talks about his two “a-haa” moments as he started his business.
18:30 Glen moves to the US in a lot of debt to launch his business – living and breathing the ‘law of attraction’ stories.
20:00 Glen recalls a funny story about buying in Ocean Beach, San Diego.
23:12 Nick asks Glen why vision boarding is so powerful. The key is to tie emotion into your visualisation. Nick discusses Mind Movies in greater detail – how to attract abundance through emotional connections.
26:00 Why don’t people get what they want. Glen says “if you don’t give up, you can’t fail”. You have to be consistent.
27:05 To tie emotion to visualisation – you need to trick your brain into believing it. Not-believing is the biggest challenge.
28:30 What is it like for Australians living in the United States?
30:20 Realising that the Australian accent was an advantage in America.
32:20 Nick asks Glen what he thinks his purpose is today?
33:07 Glen talks about his side business from Mind Movies – called “Abundant Entrepreneurs”.
35:30 How do stay the path of being an entrepreneur – finding your passion and not staying in a state of lack. The biggest killer of entrepreneurs is procrastination. Just take a step and learn from it.
37:45 Glen discusses “Flight Club” and what made him create it – only 40 members who meet 3 times a year.
40:20 Rapid fire questions – book, one word describes you, favourite destination, spirit animal, favourite food,
41:50 Favourite Aussie Slang that Americans don’t get it.
42:30 Glen’s contact details.
BOOKS available through” bookdepository.com”
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne
Four Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss