Nick Psaila

People, Profits & Purpose Podcast – Stephen Bock – Episode 3 – Reaching the summit, in business and in life

What is it like to stand on top of the world, to know that every other living thing on the planet is “down there below”? What does it even take to prepare for the three month on mountain journey, that comes with a 90% failure rate? Stephen Bock knows all too well. Stephen Bock is the  61st Australian to climb Mount Everest, is an elite real estate performer (in the top 5% of salespeople for Ray White internationally), aerobatics pilot, early riser and determined businessman. Hear Stephens story of intense preparation, tactics and determination as he relates his epic climb to his business life. Nick also helps to bring together a compelling story of what it takes to succeed in business and in life.
  • Getting into the history books. Taking on Mt Everest (The Hill)…. A primary school dream come true
  • Surround yourself with a super-team. We can’t be experts in everything
  • When you’ve stood on top of the world – how do you keep passionate
  • The snooze button – aka the “failure button“
  • Success leaves clues…. It’s all about the routine, focus and incremental steps
  • How to get in touch:

2:40 Where did it all begin for Stephen Bock?   From bunny hopping from small town to small town out in the country, to moving to the big smoke … and early entrepreneurial exploits.

Stephen’s stepping stones to an illustrious sales career!

7:24 Taking on Mt Everest (The Hill)  

8:54 The intensive 11 months training regime to get a world beating team ready to climb.

9:10 Success is determined in the training cycle.  

9:35 WOW!   The training cycle to take on Everest.  Brace yourself… not for the squeamish!

11:40 It ain’t no walk in the park…. 60 days of climbing…

12:30 You’d be dead within 2 or 3 minutes without acclimatising first.  

13:54 Conditioning – beyond breaking point!  It’s all in the mind!   

15:20 It’s about becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable.

15:40 The bid for the summit… going down to climb higher.  The strategy!

16:44 The final push up “The Hill” – it’s like six days of doing 4 marathons a day

17:02 Everest “Lets You On Her”…. It’s a spiritual type thing.  Respect!

17:29 No one conquers a mountain – the mountain dictates things

21:29 Realise – you are not in control!

It’s a great reality check.

23:55 What are the last few steps before the summit really like?  

27:00 18minutes on the summit – a long time!  

28:08 It’s a blacker sky on top of the world…. 29028 feet – I’m in space!!!  

NOTE:   NEED an IMAGE OF STEPHEN To PUT IN SHOW NOTES (Mentioned by nick)  On the Mountain

30:00 The things used to climb are the same for succeeding in life.  It’s 60 days of mini goals… step by step.

31:00 To succeed you need to train much harder than the environment you’re going into.

31:42 “Who you are” – is what you’re doing when no one is watching you…

32:17 Surround yourself with a superteam.  We can’t be experts in everything!

33:00 Grab people that are better than you – and learn and grow!

34:09 When you’ve stood on top of the world – how do you keep passionate?

34:55 Give 100% or stay in bed

37:07 A day in the life of Stephen Bock…. It’s a doozy!  Tiring just listening to him!  How to get four hours ahead of your competition – everyday!

38:32 The snooze button – aka the “failure button“

40:35 Success leaves clues…. It’s all about the routine!  Focus and incremental steps.

42:00 Where does your inspiration come from?  Tony Robins… a stand out in the personal growth space.  Tom Hopkins.  Love biographies and non-fiction…. Being continually inspired.


Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

44:13 How do you recharge?  Planes trains and motorbikes!  

People, Profits & Purpose Podcast – Tom Collins – Episode 2 – From Blue collar background to Sales Superstar

From telephone sales and coaching training – to being on TV and selling to over 15,000 buying customers a week, Tom is one of the most experienced direct response and revenue optimization experts on the planet.  

“As the founder of “FOUND REVENUE” and the CEO of C5 Consulting, based in Salt Lake City USA, Tom’s been running the back end for the best in business, including working extensively with the big direct response company PMI.”

In this episode, Tom explains his story and the lessons he has learned from an extensive career in all things sales and direct response marketing.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How Tom grew a business up to $150 million with over 600 staff?
  • What to look for when recruiting a sales person… Tom’s got some great insights.
  • What do you do when you’ve done everything you wanted to? If you’ve lost your why, what will keep you motivated?
  • What “else” are your customers buying? How can you provide it and profit.
  • A lot of money is being left on the table…. People don’t know what they don’t know.
  • What impact has your family had on your business and life balance?

00:36 Nick introduces Tom Collins.

02:51 Learn Tom’s story.  From blue collar background, to college and recognising sales as the bridge to escape the Blue Collar life ahead.

3:46 How ads in a newspaper gathered huge success…  Back when a $150 ad for a job in sales would bring in 100 + keen people every week.

4:43 Selling seminars / infomercials for the gurus.  Learning how to sell and coach.  

5:06 The power of direct response advertising.  Been hooked for 25 years now!

5:39 Sales is viewed as “not cool”.   Is that right?  Nick explains

6:33 Sales was an escape… over time it has changed into a birthday party.  Now nearly as good as being a pro ball player.

7:15 How did Tom grow a business up to $150 million turnover with 600+ staff?

9:57 “We failed at everything”… when a $200 000 spend got no response.  

10:30 “How partnerships helped us grow” –  as the momentum kicks in.

11:19 What to look for when recruiting a sales person… Tom’s got some great insights that he swears by.

12:44 Hay makers and hay balers…. You need both kinds of salespeople in your team.

13:22 What failures has Tom had?  What did he learn from them?

13:41 How to overcome major setbacks… Going from “we are done” to leaps and bounds!  What  we did as we struggled to pay bills for 51 out of 52 weeks.  

16:07 When you can’t pay the bills, what attitude helps you to prevail?

16:55 What do you do when you’ve done everything you wanted to?  When you’ve lost your why,   what will keep you motivated?

19:30 Money follows the happiness – Key lesson learned!

20:00 If your “why” is the money – get ready for a crazy ride of ups and downs.

21:13 So just how successful can telesales be?  It has a bad reputation – should it?

23:08 Hear a success story about closing prospects successfully with a little friendly follow up.

27:06 What niches work well with “cold calls”?

28:13 Learn how a carpet cleaner utilises the data available and a call centre to achieve great success.

32:15 What is Tom’s business “Found Revenue” all about?

32:47 Sales and marketing makes it easier to keep score!

32:57 Think – what “else” are your customers buying?  How can you provide it and profit?

36:43 A lot of money is being left on the table….  People don’t know what they don’t know.  

37:54 What impact has your family had on your business and life balance?

40:48 What’s downtime like for Tom?  How do you recharge?

43:23 What to chat further – Tom’s available to answer questions happy to get back to you.  Just check the “Found Revenue” NEED THE LINK – for some Checklists and Blueprints – on Lost Revenue… just search – Nick Psaila & Tom Collins on Facebook and LinkedIn.

LINKS: 42:07 “Mount Olympus” – A photo of the view from Tom’s front door  

NEED THE LINK from Nick given by Tom (mentioned in show)

People, Profits & Purpose Podcast – Nick Psaila – Episode 1 – Your introduction to the podcast

In this first episode of the People Profits & Purpose Podcast, host Nick Psaila outlines his goals, objectives and key focus of the show.

Taking a leaf from his bestselling book “UPology”, Nick briefly defines the Universal Themes and Principles that he teaches and swears by for a successful life.

  • Yin & Yang (01:30min)
  • Ouroboros (02:50min)
  • Mindset (04:21min)
  • Strategy (05:15min)
  • Mastery (05:50min)
  • Evolution (07:14min)

00:00 Nick’s Welcome to the show – Show 1

00:56 Nick’s WHY? – It’s about Sharing work, mindset, methodologies, principles.

01:16 Upology – Nick’s book has 2 Universal Themes & 4 Principles.  

01:30 1st Universal Theme – “Yin & Yang” – Life Balance discussed

01:48 Duality – the varied sides of the same person.

02:50 2nd Universal Theme – “Ouroboros” (Snake Eating Own Tail).  To continuously improve yourself

04:21 Principle 1 – “Mindset” defined… how it affects us.  The thoughts we spend time on dictate the condition we’re in.

05:15 Principle 2 – “Strategy” defined… once we’ve thought about something… how do we get it done?

05:50 Principle 3 – “Mastery” – unconscious competence – don’t need to think.  You make it look easy.  

07:14 Principle 4 – “Evolution” – Continually bettering yourself.  Mental, Physical, Spiritual.  

09:02 What will the show include?  Combination of stand-alone topic / theme (thoughts, tools techniques) and Guest Interviews (hone in on some cool people).  

09:16 Fresh approach – three key focus points for the show: “People, Profits and Purpose”

09:44 PEOPLE:   Deconstruct superstars, athletes, musicians.. Those helping us get better.  Those pushing humanity forward.  Break things down what they do and how we can incorporate this into our own lives.

10:31 Will also include “Ordinary” people doing extraordinary things.  Nick’s sister – the adversity, the achievements to learn from how she dealt with things.  Not just well-known people.

11:19 Who and What people are?  Where do they come from, what makes them tick?  What keeps them awake at night?  What challenges and adversity they’ve gone through.  What can we learn from their successes and failures?  Common thread for all of us.

12:25 PROFITS:   The money side of life.  Can’t trade cows for beans… we need money to interact.   What skillsets do we know to grow business?  How to create wealth, what to do with money when we have it?  What can we learn from those who are already successful?  

13:51 What can technology do to increase your income?  How to be profitable with business or life.

14:19 PURPOSE: Why do people do what they do?  What does it mean to be in FLOW?  How do we know what our purpose is and stay on track?  How to get or learn that “knowing” or A-Ha moment?

16:05 How to share your purpose with others?

16:30 Who are you and would you like to see on the show?

16:40 Farewell.