
People, Profits & Purpose Podcast- Geoff Jowett – Episode 7 – The man behind the “Body Trim” success story

Geoff Jowett has rocked the Health and Wellness space for decades.  A visionary, bodybuilding champion and Australian personal trainer of the year, Geoff has helped others to lose over two million plus kilos… and turned that success into a $35 million business.

Geoff was the skinny kid bullied at the local train station, and took that feeling of vulnerability to heart and used it to fuel his bodybuilding, fitness and weight loss empire.

From a morning TV staple who has felt the highs to the very deep lows – and came out with a great story to tell.  In this episode, Nick finds out more about the man behind the pitch, and the journey Geoff has travelled on throughout his career.

  • Fitness and Weight Loss – totally different
  • Chaos – getting too big too soon
  • CEO is vital. A different beast… Founders make terrible Chief Executives
  • Zero to Hero and back again
  • Stoicism and Buddhism
  • How to find the business GAP… there’s a science to it.
  • Geoff the morning TV staple. How to pitch a product on the tele
  • Fail forward and more than your competition
  • The power of visualisation – don’t set goals too low

00:45 Nick introduces Geoff

01:58 Geoff’s journey.  Body Building to helping people lose weight.

03:27 Why fitness?  From the skinny, bullied kid to boosting confidence and self esteem

05:40 The “Body Trim” success story.  The Food and Walking plan… no exercise allowed!

08:30 Fitness Goals and Weight Loss Goals – totally different.  

09:50 The Weight Loss Euaition – 70%, 20%, 10%.  

11:10 The DVD sales… Channel 9 gets on board.  “Australia’s Best Ever Weight Loss Plan”.

14:29 Getting big too quick?  How did you manage the growth?  A CEO is vital – a different beast.   Defining roles can make or break a business.

16:45 Everyone’s a CEO.  Founders make terrible Chief Executives… Get the EGO out of the way.  

18:45 Fish rot from the head down… have the best at the top.  Massive focus and discipline  

20:33 If you’re scaling a business – budget for a CEO.  Set things up for an exit and get out of your own way.

22:10 Zero to Hero and back again… dealing with the tough times

25:15 Australia and the Tall Poppy Syndrome.

28:22 Reading Stoic Philosophy – Ryan Holiday – “The obstacle is the way”, “The Daily Stoic”, “Ego is the Enemy” … learning from the Roman Emperors.  Tim Ferris

32:20 Money makes you more of what you are.

34:18 Finding the GAP in a business opportunity.  Hot Tip:  Look in your industry in America…

39:40 Geoff the morning TV staple.  How to pitch a product on the tele

46:10 A day in the life of Geoff Jowett


People, Profits & Purpose Podcast- Mitch Russo – Episode 5 – Advice from the author of “The Invisible Organisation”

Back in 1975, Mitch Russo was an electrical engineer selling chips (not the ones that go great with fish).  As the “TimeSlips Corp” founder and COO with over 300 staff, he knows a thing or two about running a business well.

A successful VC advisor and CEO of, Mitch Russo is a now an in demand and vastly experienced business coach and options trader.  Mitch also began working with Tony Robbins in 2007 and was placed in as CEO of Breakthrough International.

In this episode, Mitch speaks about running a $25 million business from his spare bedroom, what “hustling” really looks like and the three key reasons WHY we start businesses.

  • 30+ year career of continued success
  • Thursday nights with Tony Robbins and Chet Holmes
  • It’s about the people… culture is vital
  • Why do we start a business…the three key reasons
  • What does “hustle” look like? 3 Shirts, some undies and a suit + 10 days of walking and talking
  • Internet V Radio which works best?
  • How to advertise on radio for cheaper

00:45 Nick introduces Mitch

04:00 Benefitting from intense curiosity and the path to success.  We’re all creative… locating that and putting it to best use is the goal.  Lucky the ADD drugs didn’t exist back in the day.

06:00 A heroin addiction… saved by curiosity.  The hope.. the drive to get where you want to be.  

07:00 Dad was a candy store businessman.  Hopes of free candy were quickly dashed.  Mum was supportive one and rewarded curiosity… with great results.

09:12 What was it like to work with Chet Holmes and Tony Robbins.  The back story.  $5000 in a bank account and constantly on the verge of bankruptcy… how to survive!

10:10 Chet Holmes targeted Mitch’s company as a client for his magazine advertising company.  Didn’t take no for an answer.  

12:10 Brought Chet in when running Sage.. again with J Abraham when running

12:55 Managed Chet’s business and got into 5 months of Thursday nights of building a story with Chet and Tony Robbins…  rest is history (as they say)

14:23 Repurposing your product.   Yanking success from the jaws of defeat when the IRS makes a brand new product “irrelevant”.  What should you ask yourself?

16:00 What does “hustle” look like?  3 Shirts, some undies and a suit and 10 days of walking and talking pays off…. Eventually.

17:45 “I just kept going!”

17:50 The Infoworld review.  One Positive Review = 5:45am wake ups as the phones going crazy.  From 10 sales a week up to thousands a month.  Never stop going.  

21:39 What do other people think Mitch’s gifts are?  There’s a bit of a list…

22:20 Nick adds in the Monk & Village Elder for good measure.

23:30 Failures and what to learn from them… drug use and near dying.  

25:10 It’s about the people… culture

26:33 Why do we start a business… three key reasons.

29:44 Internet V Radio which works best?  

31:25 Radio is not only for Big Companies…  

32:00 Hot Tip!  Remnant space on radio – grows business fast and affordably

36:00 How important is mindset?  It’s like pouring fuel on the fire.

38:30 Nick gets home work… Read “You Too can be Prosperous” Robert Russell

41:00 Finding your purpose

47:20 Motorhomes, beaches, cuddles and cuisine.  Perfect!

48:20 Get in touch with Mitch –

See Mitch’s photos –

People, Profits & Purpose Podcast – Stephen Bock – Episode 3 – Reaching the summit, in business and in life

What is it like to stand on top of the world, to know that every other living thing on the planet is “down there below”? What does it even take to prepare for the three month on mountain journey, that comes with a 90% failure rate? Stephen Bock knows all too well. Stephen Bock is the  61st Australian to climb Mount Everest, is an elite real estate performer (in the top 5% of salespeople for Ray White internationally), aerobatics pilot, early riser and determined businessman. Hear Stephens story of intense preparation, tactics and determination as he relates his epic climb to his business life. Nick also helps to bring together a compelling story of what it takes to succeed in business and in life.
  • Getting into the history books. Taking on Mt Everest (The Hill)…. A primary school dream come true
  • Surround yourself with a super-team. We can’t be experts in everything
  • When you’ve stood on top of the world – how do you keep passionate
  • The snooze button – aka the “failure button“
  • Success leaves clues…. It’s all about the routine, focus and incremental steps
  • How to get in touch:

2:40 Where did it all begin for Stephen Bock?   From bunny hopping from small town to small town out in the country, to moving to the big smoke … and early entrepreneurial exploits.

Stephen’s stepping stones to an illustrious sales career!

7:24 Taking on Mt Everest (The Hill)  

8:54 The intensive 11 months training regime to get a world beating team ready to climb.

9:10 Success is determined in the training cycle.  

9:35 WOW!   The training cycle to take on Everest.  Brace yourself… not for the squeamish!

11:40 It ain’t no walk in the park…. 60 days of climbing…

12:30 You’d be dead within 2 or 3 minutes without acclimatising first.  

13:54 Conditioning – beyond breaking point!  It’s all in the mind!   

15:20 It’s about becoming comfortable with the uncomfortable.

15:40 The bid for the summit… going down to climb higher.  The strategy!

16:44 The final push up “The Hill” – it’s like six days of doing 4 marathons a day

17:02 Everest “Lets You On Her”…. It’s a spiritual type thing.  Respect!

17:29 No one conquers a mountain – the mountain dictates things

21:29 Realise – you are not in control!

It’s a great reality check.

23:55 What are the last few steps before the summit really like?  

27:00 18minutes on the summit – a long time!  

28:08 It’s a blacker sky on top of the world…. 29028 feet – I’m in space!!!  

NOTE:   NEED an IMAGE OF STEPHEN To PUT IN SHOW NOTES (Mentioned by nick)  On the Mountain

30:00 The things used to climb are the same for succeeding in life.  It’s 60 days of mini goals… step by step.

31:00 To succeed you need to train much harder than the environment you’re going into.

31:42 “Who you are” – is what you’re doing when no one is watching you…

32:17 Surround yourself with a superteam.  We can’t be experts in everything!

33:00 Grab people that are better than you – and learn and grow!

34:09 When you’ve stood on top of the world – how do you keep passionate?

34:55 Give 100% or stay in bed

37:07 A day in the life of Stephen Bock…. It’s a doozy!  Tiring just listening to him!  How to get four hours ahead of your competition – everyday!

38:32 The snooze button – aka the “failure button“

40:35 Success leaves clues…. It’s all about the routine!  Focus and incremental steps.

42:00 Where does your inspiration come from?  Tony Robins… a stand out in the personal growth space.  Tom Hopkins.  Love biographies and non-fiction…. Being continually inspired.


Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

44:13 How do you recharge?  Planes trains and motorbikes!